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TitelCatalogue of the Mesozoic plants in the Department of Geology British Museum (Natural History) : the Wealden flora Vertaal
ImpressumLondon : Printed by order of the TrusteesVertaal
Techniekillustrations, 31 plates (2 folded) Vertaal
Afmetingen22 cm Vertaal
AnnotatieHalf-title: Catalogue of the Mesozoic plants in the Department of geology. Pt. i-ii. On back: Fossil plants of the Wealden. Each plate accompanied by guard sheet with descriptive letterpress. List of books quoted: v. 1, pages 161-173; v. 2, p. 243-252. pt. 1. Thallophyta. Pteridophyta. 1894.--pt. 2. Gymnospermae. 1895. Vertaal
LocatieUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtVertaal
SignatuurMAG: ODL 8294Vertaal
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