Title | A plan of Dunquerque Road with the Western Channel & part of the Eastern Channel : surveyed December 1743. | Translate |
Type | Map | Translate |
Scale | Schaal [ca. 1:40.000]. | Translate |
Region | English Channel. | Translate |
Imprint | [Plaats van uitgave niet vastgesteld] : [uitgever niet vastgesteld] | Translate |
Year | [ca. 1744] | Translate |
Technique | kopergrav. | Translate |
Size | 52 x 72 cm | Translate |
Annotation | Het noorden onder. Inzet: South prospect of the town of Dunquerque (kustprofiel). Legenda (Directions for Sailing in at the West Channel to Dunquerque ; To sail from Dunquerque Road through the Eastern Channel). Met schaalstok (one League). | Translate |
Location | Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht | Translate |
Call number | Moll 513 (Dk43-11) | Translate |
All metadata as Marc21XML | Open Marc21 XML in new window | Translate |